Ready to take Your Business to the Next Level?

How the Ignition Program can help your business

Placing You Into Accelerators for Success

The Ignition Program follows three steps to place FilAm founders into accelerator programs.

Apply for the Cohort-Based Program

To join Katalista's cohort-based grant program, interested individuals must complete an application process with specific parameters. The cohort-based program focuses on helping Filipino-American founders with placement into accelerator programs. The application process will assess applicants' readiness for the program and their potential for success.

Receive Specialized Training Alongside Other Aspiring FilAm Leaders

Once accepted into the cohort-based grant program, entrepreneurs will participate in structured training that helps them prepare their applications for existing accelerators. The training will include workshops, webinars, and mentorship opportunities to help entrepreneurs refine their ideas and develop their businesses.

Receive Grant Funding from the FilAm Community

Through the cohort-based grant program, entrepreneurs will have access to micro-grant funding to help nurture their journey while providing education-based support. The funding can be used to develop prototypes, conduct market research, or fund other activities to help entrepreneurs succeed

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