Roland Galang

Briefly describe your Filipino heritage.

I am a first-generation Filipino-American. My dad and mom grew up in Kalumpit, Bulacan and Cavite City, Cavite, respectively. They emigrated to the US when I was 4 months old.

What inspires you to achieve your goals?

Serving and helping others; exploring the world; building connections; spending time with people I love; creating cool and impactful projects with good people; guiding others to live meaningful lives; and experiencing empathy and kindness.

Who are some of the most influential people in your life?

My parents most of all. My dad taught me the importance of education and honesty - and the ability to talk with anyone. My mom instilled in me the importance of family, loyalty, and food. Also, my Uncle Fel heavily influenced me towards a career in real estate and a “working hard/having grit” mentality.

What would you say to other Filipinos who aspire to do what you’re doing?

Take on leadership roles as early as possible - find your natural strengths and areas of weaknesses. Take action today/now; don’t wait. Always be a “student” of the world and your chosen field…never stop learning and discovering. Sometimes take the unexpected path…you will be surprised how much you grow in the most uncomfortable situations. Live/work in a global/world-class city for at least a few years.

What single achievement are you most proud of?

If I can highlight two achievements they would be: 1) being married to my wife Vivian for 21 years (and together for 25+ years) - and 2) living in New York City. It is simply one of the most dynamic cities in the world…and a lot of fun.


Nicole Casperson