Desiree Warr

Briefly describe your Filipino heritage.

My mother is from Olongapo and came to the U.S. in 1984. She comes from a large family and is one of eight children. Filipinos are very family-oriented and hard-working. We value traditions in our home and family. Our family is very hospitable and loves to have a good time. We have many family traditions that include getting together to sing, dance, and eat.

What inspires you to achieve your goals?

I am inspired by the fear of living a mediocre life and being average. I’ve always had a hunger for more and an impulse to seek new experiences and explore possibilities. I have set many goals for myself over the years from fitness, education, relationships, career, and personal growth that I continue to work towards every day and be better at. I am motivated by the feeling of success and accomplishment when my goals are met, and it motivates me to achieve more.

Who are some of the most influential people in your life?

Many people have been influential in my life, but my mother has been the most influential. She has always challenged me to be the best I can be and to never give up on the things most important to me. She has always been a perfect example of hard work, dedication, and love. I owe a lot of my qualities to her and have inherited her lust for adventure, which ultimately led me to pursue a career in travel.

What would you say to other Filipinos who aspire to do what you’re doing?

Believe in yourself and put in the work. Know that there will be moments of doubt and struggle, but consistency is your key to success. Surround yourself with people who will motivate you and uplift you in your time of need. The energy you surround yourself with is very important and can slow you down or propel you. Most importantly, don’t give up.

What single achievement are you most proud of?

I am most proud of taking the leap to start my business. Sometimes the hardest part is just actually starting. It’s easy to feel discouraged and give ourselves excuses as to why we can’t do something. The timing isn’t right, there’s not enough money, etc. I am proud of myself for overcoming my fear and taking an unknown path. It’s been challenging, but I continue to learn new things each day and gain momentum. These small consistencies each day will lead to great achievements over time. My decision to venture into the world of entrepreneurship has been so rewarding. It has taught me that there is no limit to my potential. I look forward to continuing to build and grow in my industry and see what new doors will open for me.


Bianca Trinidad-Lamb


Francis Manuel Abbey