Liza Adams

Briefly describe your Filipino heritage.

Born and raised in Manila, my family and I faced the challenges of poverty, where we had to make tough choices between going to school and putting food on the table. Thanks to my extended family's support and selfless parents, I ventured alone to the US as a young teenager, seeking education and opportunities to uplift my family's life. Embodying Filipino traits of perseverance and hard work, and with the belief of those who saw potential in me, I pursued a degree in Electrical Engineering and built a career in high-tech marketing.

What inspires you to achieve your goals?

My humble upbringing in the Philippines has instilled in me the drive to challenge the status quo, embrace change, use business as a force for good, and nurture the next generation of leaders while inspiring others. This core foundation is evident in my work, whether it's in my marketing and strategy consulting business, GrowthPath Partners, serving technology companies as a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and executive advisor, or in my corporate marketing executive roles. I am incredibly grateful for my blessings and committed to paying them forward.

Who are some of the most influential people in your life?

I owe my successes to the support of many people in my life. From family, friends, peers, and business partners, to mentors, countless individuals have been there for me. They believed in me even when I doubted myself, which gave me the motivation to keep going and pursue my dreams. I am who I am today because of them, and I credit much of my success to these wonderful people. They lifted me up and helped me achieve more than I ever imagined.

What would you say to other Filipinos who aspire to do what you’re doing?

These five pieces of advice have profoundly impacted my life, and I want to share them with others.

  • Remember, you are not defined by others' underestimations or misperceptions of you.

  • Never let self-doubt become a barrier to your success. Believe in yourself.

  • Embrace failures as stepping stones to success; they offer valuable lessons and growth opportunities.

  • Push the boundaries of your comfort zone; everything you've ever wanted lies just outside it.

  • Collaboration is powerful; if you want to go far, go together with others who share your dreams.

What single achievement are you most proud of?

Above all else, being a mother to my daughter and son stands as my proudest achievement. We adopted our son from an orphanage in the Philippines when he was two years old. Just as the US welcomed me with open arms years ago, it embraced our son as one of its own. The country continues to support us in raising him, and I'm confident that he will give back to this nation and the world in amazing ways. His story is still unfolding, and I look forward to witnessing the many more chapters yet to come.


Kristy Drutman


Jon Jon "JJ" Augustavo