Kristy Drutman

Briefly describe your Filipino heritage.

My mom is Filipino and was born and raised in Mindanao. I am a mixed-race, second generation Filipina American who has spent the past few years exploring and delving into my experiences as part of the greater Filipino diaspora. I grew up in an immigrant household learning about Filipino identity through foods, music, and family parties. I am grateful and proud of my heritage and feel that it deeply informed the work I do now as my work is centered around community, identity, and care for others.

What inspires you to achieve your goals?

The sacrifices of my ancestors - I feel that I have so many gifts, privileges, and opportunities in this life to make a difference, and I want to honor what those before me provided to carve the path forward to make that possible.

Who are some of the most influential people in your life?

My mentors, my friends, and my family! The people whom I selected to be in my inner circle are truly the backbone for everything I do - which can tend to be very emotionally and mentally taxing work. Having my people to back me up and support me unconditionally keeps me motivated and inspired to keep going.

What would you say to other Filipinos who aspire to do what you’re doing?

That if you're reading this piece you most likely have access, education, and the ability to use your talents and skills to make huge impact. I encourage all members of the Filipino disapora to recognize our role in taking action on the climate crisis no matter where you're at. Do not forget that the Philippines is on the frontlines of environmental injustices and disasters, and we need as many people as possible (no matter if you previously considered yourself an environmentalist or not) to take action

What single achievement are you most proud of?

Building my climate tech company Green Jobs Board. Although we are still a startup, my co-founder and I took the initiative and built a platform to make it easier and more accessible for people to find jobs and opportunities to work on the climate crisis. It started from a passion of wanting to share resources then transformed into a movement and now a company working to build the standard for an equitable and sustainable future. I am grateful for all the collective efforts and support we've received to make environmental career pathways possible and out in the world!


Merlynn Niebaum


Liza Adams